Welcome to the
The North Carolina Folk Art Society is devoted to learning more about folk art in an informal way, through two or more meetings per year, and the publication of a yearly newsletter, Voices. Most meetings take place on Saturday, although the meetings may also include additional days.
Attendance at the meetings is not mandatory. Communication with members is primarily by
email. The type of art we are interested in goes by many different names, including folk, outsider,
vernacular, and self-taught. We consider all equally valid.
Established in 1988, the North Carolina Folk Art Society seeks to educate and share information with its members regarding all types of southern traditional and contemporary folk art including but not limited to pottery, paintings, woodworking, basketmaking, and sculpture.
Our membership is not limited. We welcome members from throughout the United States who
are interested in this subject. You do not need to have an art degree to participate — only an
open mind. Most of our meetings take place in North Carolina or the Southeastern United
We invite you to explore our website and join if you are interested.

The society hosts meetings held on Saturdays that are usually located throughout the state and sometimes in other southeastern states depending on the topics covered.
Past meetings have included visits to museum exhibitions, galleries, artist studios, homes of collectors, and various cultural and historical institutions.
Benefits or membership include invitations to meetings and the annual magazine VOICES, published in the fall. Visit the society's Facebook page at facebook.com/ncfolkartsociety for more information.